Killing with Kindness

Deep State Consciousness
2 min readFeb 6, 2022


Then Judas the Iscariot said:

‘Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?’

He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag and used to steal the contributions.
John 12:3–6

When in stories of conquest
You no longer buy
And the promise of security
Is seen for a lie
Then a different song
We’ll just have to sing
A siren call of compassion
That sounds so warm and nurturing

People in foreign lands
We mustn’t neglect
We’re certainly no empire
But we have a responsibility to protect

We oppose foreign wars
Fought for profit and greed
Humanitarian intervention
Is our chosen creed

Millions may die
In our righteous crusades
But our intentions are pure
We come only to aid

We don’t mean to kill
Wars are just hard to manage
Besides don’t call it murder
It’s collateral damage

We care for your children
No child left behind
Under compassionate cover
We’ll control every young mind

We’ll push up your wages
It’s within our power
You might not have a job
But you’re worth fifteen an hour

We’ll look after your health
Just do as we say
Stay home, stay safe
Till Pfizer gives the okay

We’ll go to any lengths
In order to protect
Even if millions starve
As lockdowns take effect

We don’t so much work — as serve
Such is our nature
The extent of our devotion
To this legislature

We’ll take care of you
All your life long days
Just one demand
Never get in our way

Love is our sword
Compassion our shield
We’ll weaponise both
To ensure you yield

We’ll bring about unity
By imposing our will
And for those that resist
With kindness we’ll kill

